Tryouts are for the 2025-26 school year.
To register for tryouts, click register to save your spot!
** You may need to use the arrows on the upper right or left to get to the July calendar. **
Click on the section that applies to your dancer, and then fill out the form to register.
Main line tryouts are all 3 days! The first 2 days will be learning the dances for tryouts on the third day. Tryout fees process 7/1. If your dancer is unable to be present at tryouts, the tryout fee will still process in order for dancers to be considered for a line/s. Dancers will all be placed on a line. Results will be emailed on 8/1. Specialty groups are advanced contemporary small groups. Contact us for fee information.
Competition dancers need to be in more than 1 supplemental line or class. We will work with dancers on an individual basis to find an appropriate solution when scheduling doesn’t permit a second class. This can be a competitive or recreational class. This is to ensure that dancers don’t fall behind in technique, musicality, endurance and skills. Dance conditioning class is a great option. We are dedicated to proper training and development of all our dancers at LMDA.
Dress code: Black leotard & Jazz Shoes or Turners (Any color)
Hair in a bun & light face makeup is acceptable.
Solos, Duet, Trio | All ages and styles (Solo/Duet/Trio is a privilege reserved for our dancers in a main competitive line.) There is no separate try-out fee to register. All dancers who register will be accepted and connected with a choreographer. **Limited spots are available and will be accepted in order as dancers register. $300 studio fee will run 7/1. Please request a copy of the solo requirements. First monthly payment of $145 solo and $90 duo/trio will run 8/11.
This is an open-call audition. Soloists will be given 5 minutes each, privately with teachers. Come prepared with 30 seconds of prepared choreography to demonstrate. Session will be completed by going over dancers questionnaire.
Dancers interested in duet/trio will dance in a group setting and all will be given the same choreography. Following tryouts, dancers will be matched with their choreographer based on ability and movement quality.